Senator Tom Carper of Delaware likes to say that when it comes to advocacy and legislation, “there are no silver bullets, but there are a lot of silver BBs.” We couldn’t agree more. Most firms take the “silver bullet” approach. We believe that complex issues require more nuanced solutions (i.e., a lot of “silver BBs”).
At AGI, we build and execute top-level grassroots and grasstops campaigns that create meaningful issue constituencies, recruit and educate relevant key influential voices, and make sure both communicate effectively to decision-makers on why an issue matters to them. Our proven advocacy approach is built on three pillars:
Customized Campaigns
Every campaign—and every issue—is different. AGI builds fully customized campaigns based on our clients’ needs; the state and national political environments; and the on-the-ground reality in targeted districts and states. While many firms pay lip service to this approach, once you sign on the dotted line, you get the same one-size-fits-all approach. With AGI, you get the real thing: campaigns tailored to your unique needs and the distinctive political factors of a given issue, piece of legislation, or moment in political time.
We have decades of experience building and executing successful campaigns for clients across the issue and political spectrums. So do other firms. What makes us different? The person running the day-to-day operations of your campaign will be a member of our senior leadership—not a junior-level staffer who is learning on the job. When you hire AGI, you actually get what you pay for: deeply experienced public affairs professionals who know how to get the job done from day one.
When it comes to field campaigns, politics really is local. Everyone knows how important relationships are when trying to get things done in Washington, D.C., or in state capitals. Knowing the people who know decision-makers “back home” is critical. But just as important are the relationship between those running a campaign and those doing the work on the ground in the states and districts. We don’t just hire field teams: we have decades-long partnerships with advocacy professionals in every state and district, and know how to get them to think outside the box, get to the heart of an issue, and get decision-makers’ attention.